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(65 reviews)

Build a sustainable career with the world’s largest brands as your new partners.

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Jelly App
Become or hire the world's most effective short-form creators.
Our Guarantee
If you don't make $500 in the first 24 hours of joining our platinum program, we refund you.
Get access to our program on becoming a full-time content creator using the Digital Franchising model.
Get first access to all campaigns before they are posted on the Jelly platform.
Mentorship from Creators and Influencers making $100,000+ per month with Digital Franchising.
Get access to hundreds of resources, ideas, and strategies posted by our members and team.
Weekly Meetings + 24/7 Support
Weekly community calls with experts and 24/7 support from our team.
Customer Q&A

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Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(65 reviews)
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6 months ago
Really getting great information to grow at the discord. Very valuable.
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6 months ago
This is insane, very good for people that want a themepage
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6 months ago
Best server in the market right now. They provide high quality guides which are up to date and will get you the most out of your time!
About the seller
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Social Media • Other

65 reviews

Jelly is the leading agency and technology platform to grow with the digital franchising model. Digital franchising is a content marketing strategy where multiple social media managers create and manage branded accounts for diverse audiences. Our platform connects multi-million dollar brands with verified creators who’ve demonstrated a skillset in building audiences and converting them into revenue.  Our Platinum Program allows any motivated individual to make a sustainable income as a content creator using the digital franchising model. The platinum program is run by industry experts, and it will teach you exactly how to successfully make content for brands. On top of that, we offer a money-back guarantee in the first 24 hours, meaning if you aren’t presented with a deal that makes you more than $500, we will refund you. This program will give you first access to all Jelly campaigns, which total over $100,000 per month in available positions. Joining Jelly Platinum is a no-brainer and your risk-free path to turning short-form content creation into a sustainable income.

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