The Moonshot

The Moonshot

106 Reviews

/5 stars
Customer Q&A
Q: I paid $30 for the monthly access but I do not have access to the group. Can someone help?
A: hey, please send us a DM on discord: kiilkenny
Asked on Sep 9, 2023
Q: For returning members the price would be the same. As i had issues previously
A: Yes, we will do our best to accommodate returning members.
Asked on Oct 3, 2023
Q: Do they post college football plays too or just nfl?
A: Yes, there are occasionally CFB plays
Asked on Sep 4, 2023
Q: Heyo, I used Apple Pay to sub yesterday and didn’t get an email or anything. Tried to DM KiilKenny but it wouldn’t let me
A: Hey, you can DM any of the mods if kenny is not available. Saucemandoo Onlyfrosty Ski.777 Waelank
Asked on Sep 11, 2023
Q: Current subscriber, left the discord before I could cancel my sub. Now I’m unable to cancel and left the sub. Can someone reach out?
A: Hey, send a dm on discord to one of the mods Saucemandoo Onlyfrosty Ski.777 Waelank
Asked on Oct 22, 2023
Q: Current subscriber but Left the discord accidently. Unable to message the mods since i left the discord. Please help
A: send me a friend request on discord saucemandoo
Asked on Nov 1, 2023